iLO Flash recovery procedure
If you are seeing the below message when trying to connect to the iLO interface of your device then the iLO image has become corrupt for some reason and requires recovery:
The iLO firmware is in a network flash recovery state.
Refer to the iLO network flash recovery under the trouble shooting section in the iLO users guide.
iLO Flash recovery:
- 1. Using an FTP client (or just command line FTP program) connect to the iLO IP address:
2. Login as user flash and password recovery
Name ( flash
331 Password required.
Password: recovery
231 User name accepted.
3. Send the latest ilo binary file to the device:
ftp> put ilo194.bin
local: ilo194.bin remote: ilo194.bin
200 OK.
150 ready to take file.
426 Data Connection: File write error.
2102359 bytes sent in 3 seconds (7e+02 Kbytes/s)
4. Hopefully the ILO will reset itself and recover. If not manual intervention maybe required in which case power of the server completely by disconnecting it from the power for a few seconds and then power back on.
Here are the steps to reset the admin password on PGP Server 3.2
- First, you need to break the CentOS root password. Reboot server
- When GRUB loader appears, press any key to stop automatic boot
- Press E key to edit the boot command
- Edit the Kernel option
- Add a space and then a 1 ad the end of the command. Press Enter
- Press B key to boot
- When you reach a command prompt, type passwd and hit Enter
- Enter the temporary password twice
- Type reboot and then enter
- Let server boot up normally
- Log into the console with root account and the password you just set
- Type the following command "psql oviddb ovidrw" and hit enter
- Type the following command "update omc_administrator set passwordmd5='temppassword';" and hit enter
- Then run passwd again and set password to blank.
- Type reboot and then enter
- When server reboots, log into the PGP Administrator Web Console with an existing user name and the temppassword that you used.
If you have forgotten a password on a Xerox Workcentre 5225 you won’t find any documentation on Xerox’s website on how to reset the password. If you ask them they will tell you that a technician (who you have to pay) will need to reset it. There is a way around this however. You can enter what is called “debug” mode and reset the password if you have lost the password to the printer (WARNING: Do not try adjusting anything in debug mode that you do not know how to do as it could have negative effects). In order to enter debug mode you will need to hold down the 0 button on the control panel for approximately 5 seconds, then while still holding this down press the start button. You will then be prompted to enter a passcode. The default is “6789”. Now that you are in debug mode you can change the username/password just like you would if you had already logged in as the admin as follows:
Press the <Machine Status> button on the Control Panel.
Press the [Tools] tab.
On the Tools screen press the [Authentication/Security] Settings.
Press [System Administrator Settings].
Press [System Administrator’s Login ID]
On the System Administrator’s Login ID screen, Select [Keyboard]
Type in <username here> for the Login ID, and select [Save]
On the Retype line, select [Keyboard]
Enter the same Login ID, and select [Save] twice.
If prompted [Do you want to change the System Administrator’s Login ID?] select [Yes]
Press [System Administrator’s Passcode].
On the Passcode screen, Select [Keyboard].
Type in <Passcode here> for the [New Passcode], and select [Save].
In [Retype Passcode], select [Keyboard].
Enter the same passcode, and select [Save] twice.
In the [Do you want to change the System Administrator’s Passcode?] screen, select [Yes].
If prompted choose to reboot the machine after the changes have been made.
To stop the job the usage of stop button in ARCserve manager's GUI selecting the job is recommended however at times when jobs are stopped they can become non responsive for a long time. We can forcefull kill such jobs using the steps provided in this article.
Carunjob.exe is the process which runs when a job is initiated. when a single job is running we can get into windows task manager and kill the the instance of carunjob.exe. This will eventually crash the job with the following message and place the job on hold without creating any makeup job.
E2252 Master Job #[ ] ID[ ] has been crashed, cancelling child job (ID=#).
When multiple jobs are running at a time we will not be able to identify which instance of carunjob.exe should be ended to crash the job.
In the below example we have 3 jobs running at a time and we will attempt to end JOB1 with job no- 13 and job id -362.
Step1: Browse to CA ARCserve home folder 's log directory and look for the TskJob <<#JOBNO>>_<<#JOBID>>.log file.
- 32bit OS:C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup\LOG
- 64bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\ARCserve Backup\LOG
For the above example the file name is TskJob13_362.log
Step 2: Open the log and search for the line containing carunjob.exe
Step 3: This line will contain the PID of the carunjob.exe instance of this particular job. In the above example the PID for JOB1 with job no- 13 and job id -362 is 4804 Look for the process name with PID 4804 in windows task manager and end the process.
Make sure that "Show Processes from all users " is selected if you don't see the process carunjob.exe for an active job.
Step 4: This will crash the job and place the job on hold.
Method 1: Use the "Conditional Formatting" option
To use the Conditional Formatting option to shade rows in a worksheet, follow these steps:
- Open the worksheet.
- Select the cell range that you want to shade, or press Ctrl+A to select the whole worksheet.
- Click theHometab.
- In theStylesgroup, clickConditional Formatting, and then clickManage Rules.
- ClickNew rule.
- ClickUse a formula to determine which cells to format.
- In theFormat values where this formula is truebox, type=MOD(ROW(),2)=1, and then clickFormat.
- On theFilltab, click the color that you want to use to shade every other row, and then clickOK.
- ClickOKto close theNew Formatting Ruledialog box.
- ClickApply, and then clickOKto close theConditional Formatting Rules Managerdialog box.
Method 2: Use the "Format as Table" option
To use the Format as Table option to shade rows in a worksheet, follow these steps:
- Open the worksheet.
- Select the cell range that you want to shade, or press Ctrl+A to select the whole worksheet.
- Click the Home tab.
- In the Styles group, click Format as Table, and then click the style of formatting that you want.
- In the Format as Table dialog box, click OK.
So far in our series we’ve covered how to reset your Windows password with the Ultimate Boot CD, but if you are a little more technical you might want to simply use the excellent System Rescue CD, which is based on Linux.
Note that if you are using standard Windows encryption for your files, resetting the password will permanently disable access to those files. In that case you should crack the password, which is something we’ll cover in an upcoming article.
If you are an Ubuntu user and forgot your password, we’ve covered how to do that as well, either the easy way with the grub menu or alternately with the live cd.
Creating the System Rescue CD
Before you can do anything else, you’ll need to download a copy of the System Rescue CD and burn the ISO image to disc. For this task, I prefer the simple ImgBurn utility, but you are free to use whatever burning application you prefer instead.
If you are using ImgBurn, click the Write image file to disc button…
Click the File button near Source and then pick the ISO file, then click the Burn button near the bottom. That’s about all there is to it.
Download the System Rescue CD from
Resetting Your Password
Now that you have your boot CD, you’ll want to boot from it, which will take you to this very informative prompt, with some basic instructions on how to use the CD.
The first thing we’ll want to do is mount the hard drive, using this command. (Note that you might not need to use the –o force argument, it’s only really for when the system didn’t shut down correctly)
ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows –o force
You can use the df –m command to verify that the drive has been mounted and that it’s the right drive. Note that it’s mounted on /mnt/windows at this point.
Now you’ll want to change directory into the Windows/System32/config directory inside of your windows installation. For mine, the full path was something like this, but it might be different on yours:
cd /mnt/windows/Windows/System32/config
Once you are in that directory, you should see that there is a SAM file, which is where we’ll want to change the passwords.
To change the password we’ll use the chntpw command, and it’s most useful to use the –l argument first to list out all the usernames in the file.
chntpw –l SAM
Now you can add the –u argument with your username, which will end up being something like this command, except you’ll want to replace geek with your username:
chntpw –u geek SAM
This will present you with a wizard type screen:
I’m going to assume that you want to set a new password, so just type “2? at the prompt, add in your password, and remember to use the “y” key when prompted to save.
At this point your password has been changed, so you can issue the reboot command to restart the computer (should take the disc out of the drive)
And now you should be able to login with the new password:
Note that I tested this technique on both XP, Vista and Windows 7 with good results.
This device has great audio quality and terrible range (not what is claimed), but if you've already bought it you're in luck! There is a quick modification that can restore this device to the advertised range.
Modification Instructions (you'll need a small flat head screwdriver and a hot glue gun):
Pop the top off of it with the screwdriver starting at the ports.
Pull out the circuit board and you'll see a large piece of metal. This metal is entirely unnecessary and serves only to satisfy customers who innately feel that heavier is more valuable.
The piece of metal is held in place with double sided tape, so just pop it out.
Put the circuit board back in place (it should sort of snap in).
Put hot glue around the edge of the enclosure and put the top back in place.
Now this device conforms to all the specifications that Belkin specifies.
If this happens to you, you are probably changing the password wrong. You should be doing it using the logon password change prompt or via ctl-alt-delete option while logged into that box. If you use AD userand and computers (have it reset) or some other out-of-band method this may break certain types of certificates, such as EFS.
If this type of cert does not normally break during a password reset (instead of changed by user directly) then you might check to see if you may be using EFS (maybe you got a little carried away and encrypted the folder that contains the cert). You can check by running 'cipher /u /n' on their c: drive - it will check all directories automatically.
Perform the following steps to have Excel open each file in a new window:
My Computer
Folder Options
File Types
Choose XLS
Go to Advanced
Uncheck "browse in same window" in advanced window.
Then highlight Open
Make sure in the Action box it says &Open
Make sure in the application used to perform action it says:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE" "%1"
Check the box next to use DDE
Remove anything that is in DDE Message box and DDE Application Not Running box.
Make sure the application box says: EXCEL
And in the Topic box it says: System