Method 1: Use the "Conditional Formatting" option

To use the Conditional Formatting option to shade rows in a worksheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the worksheet.
  2. Select the cell range that you want to shade, or press Ctrl+A to select the whole worksheet.
  3. Click theHometab.
  4. In theStylesgroup, clickConditional Formatting, and then clickManage Rules.
  5. ClickNew rule.
  6. ClickUse a formula to determine which cells to format.
  7. In theFormat values where this formula is truebox, type=MOD(ROW(),2)=1, and then clickFormat.
  8. On theFilltab, click the color that you want to use to shade every other row, and then clickOK.
  9. ClickOKto close theNew Formatting Ruledialog box.
  10. ClickApply, and then clickOKto close theConditional Formatting Rules Managerdialog box.


Method 2: Use the "Format as Table" option

To use the Format as Table option to shade rows in a worksheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the worksheet.
  2. Select the cell range that you want to shade, or press Ctrl+A to select the whole worksheet.
  3. Click the Home tab.
  4. In the Styles group, click Format as Table, and then click the style of formatting that you want.
  5. In the Format as Table dialog box, click OK.