
To stop the job the usage of  stop button in ARCserve manager's GUI selecting the job is recommended  however at times when jobs are stopped they can become non responsive for a  long time. We can forcefull kill such jobs using the steps provided in this article.

Carunjob.exe is the process which runs when a  job is initiated. when a single job is running we can get into windows task manager and kill the the instance of carunjob.exe. This will eventually crash the job with the following message and place the job on hold without creating any makeup job.

E2252 Master Job #[ ] ID[  ] has been crashed, cancelling child job (ID=#).


When multiple jobs are running at a time we will not be able to identify which instance of carunjob.exe should be ended to crash the job.

In the below example we have 3 jobs running at a time and we will attempt to end JOB1 with job no- 13 and job id -362.

Step1: Browse to CA ARCserve home folder 's log directory and look for the TskJob <<#JOBNO>>_<<#JOBID>>.log file.


  • 32bit OS:C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup\LOG
  • 64bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\ARCserve Backup\LOG

For the above example the file name is TskJob13_362.log

Step 2: Open the log and search for the line containing carunjob.exe

Step 3: This line will contain the PID of the carunjob.exe instance of this particular job. In the above example the PID for JOB1 with job no- 13 and job id -362 is 4804  Look for the process name with PID 4804 in windows task manager and end the process.


 Make sure that  "Show Processes from all users " is selected if you don't see the process carunjob.exe for an active job.

Step 4: This will crash the job and place the job on hold.