Clean Your Carpet of Cat urine or Dog Urine smells. This is the best dog and cat urine removal recipe. There are no catches or sales pitches. This recipe to remove cat urine odor is extremely effective and is completely free.
Removal of cat urine smells from your carpets is easy and inexpensive using this homemade cat urine removal recipe. It will clean and deodorize cat urine odors from your carpet or rugs without purchasing cat urine cleaning products. Below is our free cat urine removal home remedy recipe. All you pay for are the the ingredients, most of which you will already have in your house. The best news is that the ingredients are non toxic. You can deodorize and clean cat and pet urine odors and stains from your carpets and rugs using common household products.
When a cat pees on rugs, carpets or furnishings it can leave a very unpleasant distinctive cat smell that is hard to get rid of. This urine odor stimulates the cat to urinate in that area again thus perpetuating the problem. Once you remove the odor permanently the cat will no longer keep going back to the same spot to re-offend.
Cat Urine Removal From
Carpets Recipe:
Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Dishwashing Detergent
3 % Hydrogen Peroxide
Directions for Cat Urine Removal from carpets
Step 1. If the cat has recently urinated on the carpet, first absorb as much of the cat urine as possible using paper towels or an old towel. Place clean paper towels over the cat urine area and tread on them so as to absorb as much of the urine as possible. Repeat with dry towels until no more moisture can be absorbed.
Areas of cat urine that have dried and previously gone undetected can be found with the aid of a black light. The cat urine stains will fluoresce under the ultra violet light in a darkened room. Hand held black lights are quite inexpensive, usually costing between $15 - $25. To save the expense of a black light you can always use your nose to detect the source of the odor. Put your nose down close to the carpet and sniff away.
Step 2. Next, wet the area with a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water. Make sure you use enough of the solution to penetrate the fibers deep down.
After the vinegar treatment dry off the carpet as much as possible. You can assist drying by blotting with paper towels as described above. If you own a wet/dry vacuum extractor use that to remove excess moisture. Step 3. Apply a handful of baking soda over the affected area. Mix a quarter of a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and drizzle this solution over the baking soda. Alternatively you can use a spray bottle for the hydrogen peroxide solution. Work it well into the carpet with a scrubbing brush, tooth brush or your fingers. Allow to dry. Once completely dry vacuum up the dried baking soda. Use a hard bristled brush to loosen up the baking soda if necessary. You can assist drying with a heater or a fan. |
That's all there is to it. It's as simple as that. 1-2-3 cat pee smell gone. It really does work.
Caution: Do not use hydrogen peroxide that is stronger than 3% or stronger than 10 Volume. Bleaching may occur on some carpets with stronger solutions. A spot test in an inconspicuous area is advised.
This recipe is for one small area of cat urine. For larger areas you will need to adjust the quantities of ingredients used. |
The vinegar will neutralize the ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer capable of killing bacteria which cause the urine smells. Baking soda is a well known deodorizer which absorbs odors. Sprinkle it on your carpet monthly then vacuum up to keep your carpet smelling fresh all the time. Important. Never use ammonia or ammonia-based products on the carpet. One of the ingredients of urine is ammonia and your cat may well be encouraged to re-offend in the same area if it detects the smell of ammonia. Many household cleaner cleaners contain ammonia so be sure to read the label.
Additional Information If you wish to keep your cat away from certain areas that are at risk from your cat's urination such as sofas, beds, rooms etc then I recommend a product called SSScat. It is a motion activated spray which delivers a noisy burst of air to frighten your cat away from an area. It is completely safe and harmless. Watch a video to see how it works. Now watch this real life video of SSScat in action. You can usually purchase it on ebay. Often a cat will inappropriately urinate because of a medical condition. If you have problems with a cat not using his litter box please get him checked by a vet. Examination by your vet for lower urinary tract diseases is necessary to rule out medical conditions which could be causing the inappropriate urination problem. For example a painful case of cystitis or urethral blockage may have your cat associating the pain of urination with it's litter tray and it will therefore avoid it's litter tray. Read more about Cystitis in Cats Sadly, feline spraying and inappropriate urination problems are among the most common reasons for pet cats to be euthanised and surrendered to cat shelters