Why does a Backup/Restore fail with error: E8572 and the "CA ARCserve Universal Agent" service keeps stopping.





Backup or restore fails with error: E8572 The agent is not installed, not started, or not configured to listen on the port.

This may be consistent, or intermittent.

For example:

E8572 The agent is either not installed, no started, or not configured to listen on the port. (Node=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Port=6050)
The "CA ARCserve Universal Agent" service keeps stopping.

Even after restarting the "CA ARCserve Universal Agent" service, it stops again.




  1. Follow the recommendations in TEC534780.

    Title: Backups and login to the Client Agent randomly fails with "E8572 The agent is not installed, not started, or not configured to listen on the port."

    If the problem persists, continue with step 2.
  2. Disable the SRM (Storage Resource Management), by performing the steps below:

    1. In CA ARCserve Backup Manager --> Quick Start --> Administration --> Central Agent Admin

      Figure 1
    2. Select the Client computer experiencing the problem under the "Windows Systems" object, and expand the computer to view the details.

      Figure 2
    3. Right-click the "Universal Agent" and select "Disable SRM Client"

      Figure 3
    4. Click "OK" to disable the SRM client.
  3. Go to services (services.msc)

    Select "CA ARCserve Universal Agent" service --> Properties --> Recovery --> 'Subsequent failures'

    1. Choose "Restart the Service".

      Figure 4

      Figure 5

      Figure 6
  4. Restart the "CA ARCserve Universal Agent" service.

If the same problem persists, please contact CA Support and provide all related logs for review/analysis.

Test fix#: T5K7088 may relevant to this scenario.