  # Usage:
  # ./make_certs.sh test.example.com
  # The required input to make_certs.sh is the path to your pfx file without the .pfx prefix
  # test.example.com.key
  # test.example.com.crt (includes ca-certs)
  # extract ca-certs
  echo "> Extracting ca-certs..."
  openssl pkcs12 -in ${filename}.pfx -nodes -nokeys -cacerts -out ${filename}-ca.crt
  echo "done!"
  echo " "
  # extract key
  echo "> Extracting key file..."
  openssl pkcs12 -in ${filename}.pfx -nocerts -out ${filename}.key
  echo "done!"
  echo " "
  # extract crt
  echo "> Extracting crt..."
  openssl pkcs12 -in ${filename}.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out ${filename}.crt
  echo "> Combining ca-certs with crt file..."
  # combine ca-certs and cert files
  cat ${filename}-ca.crt ${filename}.crt > ${filename}-full.crt
  # remove passphrase from key file
  echo "> Removing passphrase from keyfile"
  openssl rsa -in ${filename}.key -out ${filename}.key
  # clean up
  rm ${filename}-ca.crt
  mv ${filename}-full.crt ${filename}.crt
  echo "done!"
  echo " "
  echo "Extraction complete! ?"
  echo "created files:"
  echo " ? ${filename}.key"
  echo " ? ${filename}.crt"