This was a problem I was having that I recently solved and wanting to share the solution I discovered online so to make a more recent post making it's easier to find :)

On an HDMI input, my splash screen video would cut out half way and the screen would go black until ES started up.

Press F4 going to command prompt

type sudo nano /opt/retropie/supplementary/splashscreen/

find "omxplayer -b--layer 10000 "$line"

and change it so it reads "omxplayer --layer 10000 "$line"

basically eliminating the "-b"

press Ctrl+X to save

press Y to save

and Enter to leave

then you can sudo reboot and voila!

I figure most users have a handle on editing command line stuff but this is for those of us who are no so savvy

Hope this helps some of you!