Follow the given below directions to remove third-party entries from the desktop context menu and fix the slow desktop right-click issue in Windows 10.

Method 1 of 2

Step 1: In the Start menu or taskbar search box, type Regedit and then press Enter key to open Registry Editor. If you see the User Account Control dialog, please press Yes button.

fix to slow desktop context menu in Windows 10 step3

Step 2: Once the Registry Editor is launched, navigate to the following key:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\ shellex\ContextMenuHandlers

Step 3: Under, ContextMenuHandlers, several folders will appear.

fix to slow desktop context menu in Windows 10 step4

Step 4: In order to remove Intel Graphics Properties and Graphics Options entries, you need to delete igfxcui and igfxDTCM folders. To delete a folder, simply right-click on it and then click Delete. Click Yes when you see the confirmation dialog.

fix to slow desktop context menu in Windows 10 step5

Likewise, if your PC has NVIDIA graphics hardware, you will see NvCplDesktopContext under ContextMenuHandlers. Simply right-click on it and then click Delete.

fix to slow desktop right click in Windows 10 step2

You may close the Registry Editor now.

Step 5: The desktop context menu should now appear instantly, without any delay. If not, restart your PC once.

Method 2 of 2

Those of you who don’t want to play the Registry can use a free utility called ShellExView to remove those entries from the desktop context menu. Here is how to download and use ShellExView on Windows 10.

Step 1: Visit this page and download the latest version of ShellExView. Note that the download link appears towards the end of the page.

Step 2: Extract the zip file, and then run the shellexview.exe file by double-clicking on it. Click Yes button when you see the User Account Control prompt.

Step 3: The tool will take a few seconds to scan your PC for context menu entries.

Step 4: Finally, look for the entry named NVIDIA CPL Context Menu Extension, right-click on it and then click Disable.

fix to slow desktop right click in Windows 10

Likewise, if you have Intel graphics, under Extensions, look for two entries named TheDesktopContextMenu Class and TheDesktopContextMenu Class and disable them by right-clicking on them and then clicking Disable. You might need to restart Windows Explorer once or perform a reboot to see the change.

fix to slow desktop context menu in Windows 10 step6

Our how to make the Stat menu open faster in Windows 10 guide might also be of interest to you.