You will create two records: one for the primary KMS server and another for the secondary (failover) KMS server.

Below you'll find the steps for Windows and for *NIX systems.

Windows Server 2000-2008

  1. Open the DNS Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
  2. Expand the DNS Zone to the Connection-specifc DNS Suffix you noted earlier.
  3. Right-click on the _tcp folder and select Other New Records.
  4. Select Service Location (SRV) as the new record type.
  5. Fill in the following information for the new record:
  • Service: _VLMCS
    (Note: This is not in the drop-down list, so you'll need to type it in. Be sure to include the underscore at the beginning.)
  • Protocol: _tcp
    (Note: Select this from the drop-down list.)
  • Port: 1688
  • Priority: 10
  • Host offering the service:
    (Note: Be sure to include the trailing dot.)
  1. Follow the steps above to create a second new SRV record with the following information (the Priority and Host fields are different):
  • Service: _VLMCS
    (Note: This is not in the drop-down list, so you'll need to type it in. Be sure to include the underscore at the beginning.)
  • Protocol: _tcp
    (Note: Select this from the drop-down list.)
  • Port: 1688
  • Priority: 20
  • Host offering the service:
    (Note: Be sure to include the trailing dot.)

And you're done.

Bind 8.2 or higher (Linux, Unix, Solaris)

On the DNS server, open the Bind zone file.

Add these two lines to the file, substituting the Connection-specific DNS Suffix you noted above. In our example, we use for our DNS suffix; replace that text with yours DNS suffix. Be sure to include the two underscore characters in each line (four in total) and the trailing dots after the DNS suffix and the host names in both lines. 3600 IN SRV 10 0 1688 3600 IN SRV 20 0 1688

Save the file. And you're done.