I was facing this issue and resolved it by removing the SPN name for SQLServer.



Below are the steps I used to fix this issue :-

  1. Open Command Prompt with Run as Admin with account having admin permission in that domain.
  2. Type "setspn -l ServerName" and see the result. I got below result :-

               C:\Windows\system32>setspn -l ServerName
               Registered ServicePrincipalNames for


3. Now from above list, look for all the entries with name : "MSSQLSvc/ServerName***". In my case we found two entries :


4. Now you have to delete these two SPN entries. Use below command to delete the SPN entries :

setspn -d MSSQLSvc/ServerName.phx.gbl:SQLSERVER ServerName

setspn -d MSSQLSvc/ServerName.phx.gbl:64723 ServerName


Now you can rename the server name easily