So you are interesting in setting up a server of your own, that's great! The entire server is built in something callednode.js. Node.js is a framework built on top of Googles lighting fast Javascript engine V8

First, download and install node.js (see instructions on project homepage). Then, download the latest version ofWPilot. Extract the zip to directory of choice. All server configuration is done via a set of command-line switches. You can get list of all available switches by typing:

$ ./wpilots.js -H

You probably want to change the server name, region and port no. Use the --name switch to change name, the --region switch to change region and the --ws_port to change the TCP port to listen on.

The WPilot server has a built-in HTTP-server that delivers all client releated data. The server is by default started and is serving the data at port 8000. Set the --http_port switch to 0 to disable HTTP server.

The current version of the server is a so called BETA version. Things can break. You can put server in "debug-mode" by adding the --debug switch, which will print additional debug information in the console. This may help you to track down bugs.

Public server list

We have limited server capacity, so please concider to list your server in The Public server list (the list at the top of this page).