
Novell Directory Services 6.x, 7.x, 8.x
Novell eDirectory 8.5 for All Platforms
Novell eDirectory 8.6 for All Platforms
Novell eDirectory 8.7 for All Platforms
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms


Container object shows empty in ConsoleOne, iManager and NetWare Administrator
ERROR: "-629 FFFFFD8B ENTRY IS NOT LEAF" reported when trying to remove the container object


From a NetWare Server that holds the replica (Real copy) of the partition, where the container object to be removed is residing, run dsbrowse -a  and check for leaf objects inside the container object. If objects are present inside the container, remove all leaf objects using the "Delete Object" option in Dsbrowse. "Login Successful" message will be displayed on successful deletion of  the objects. Exit out from Dsbrowse and run the following commands on the server console of the server to force a heartbeat.

set dstrace=on
set dstrace=+s
set dstrace=*h

Then remove the container object using ConsoleOne, NetWare Administrator or iManager. In-case no leaf objects are seen inside the container on one NetWare server, check other NetWare Servers that holds the replica (Real copy) of the same partition where the container object resides. The above process has to be performed only on a single NetWare server that has the leaf objects present inside the container to be removed and not on all the NetWare servers holding a replica of the partition. If only Linux or Windows servers hold the real copy replica of the partition where the container resides, use iMonitor to remove the leaf objects from the container since DSBROWSE will not run on Windows and Linux eDirectory servers.

Additional Information

iMonitor is a eDirectory troubleshooting tool which will run on all platforms. eDirectory secure tool DSDUMP is required in-case DSBROWSE or iMonitor fails to remove the leaf objects. Please contact Novell Technical Services if DSBROWSE or iMonitor fails to remove the leaf objects.