Along with a healthy eating plan and regular cardiovascular program, obtaining flat abs requires strengthening the abdominal muscles, especially the deep-seated transversus abdominis, which supports and stabilizes the spine as it draws your stomach inward. However, a busy work and family schedule can make it tough to find time for fitness. However, you can fit short bouts of exercise in throughout your workday, especially for flattening your abs, without ever leaving your desk chair.

Step 1

Perform abdominal exercises on an empty stomach, such as before heading out for lunch or during the afternoon slump when you need an energy boost. Move slowly if your desk chair is on wheels. Maintain proper posture throughout the exercises to effectively work the transversus abdominis by sitting up tall, stacking your shoulders over your hips and elongating your spine. Avoid hunching your shoulders or arching the lower back.

Step 2

Warm up for five to 10 minutes by walking around your office and climbing the stairs in the building. Alternatively, walk around the block two to three times.

Step 3

Strengthen the transversus abdominis by hallowing out your stomach. Sit tall in your desk chair, lift your chest and slide the shoulder blades down your back. Inhale through your nose for a count of five. Exhale for a count of five and draw your abdominal muscles in toward your spine as far as you are able. Hold the contraction for two counts and then release. Complete two sets of 10 repetitions.

Step 4

Try the ab lift, which strengthens both the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis muscles. Sit tall and place your palms on the seat of the chair outside each leg. Engage your abdominals and glutes and lift your butt off the chair as you press the palms into the seat. Keep your knees bent and lift them as high as you are able toward the ceiling. Hold the contraction for one to three counts and slowly lower your butt back to the seat. Repeat for five repetitions.

Step 5

Complete two to three sets of reverse crunches to target the lower rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis and the side obliques. Position your butt on the front to middle of the chair seat. Place your hands on the seat outside of each leg for support. Lift your legs and bring your knees toward your chest. Push the legs out so they are extended in front of you at chair height. Pull the knees in toward the right side of your chest. Push the legs out again and pull them in toward the left side of your chest. Continue alternating sides for eight to 10 full rounds.

Step 6

Stretch your abdominals by performing a seated variation of upward salute. Sit tall in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and your shoulders stacked over your hips. Sweep your arms out to the side and bring your hands together over your head. Look up at your hands and elongate the spine to stretch the front of your torso. Hold for three to five breaths and then release.

Consult with a physician before beginning a new exercise program, especially if you have been sedentary for a while. Mention any chronic health issues