First, try logging in with the default username, sysadmin, and password, PASS

If that does not work, please use the procedure near the top of page 121 of the Spider User Guide:

I forgot my password. How can I reset the Spider to factory defaults?

Use the serial interface with a terminal emulator program set to 9600 or 115200, 8 bit characters, No parity, 1 Stop bit, and No flow control. Within 2 seconds of booting the Spider, press the Esc key a few times to get a => prompt. Type defaults at the => prompt.

If you can't get the => prompt after several tries at 9600, try 115200. Earlier firmware sets the serial console port to 115200 by default.

Note 1: There is a typo in the Spider™ User Guide, Part Number 900-495, Revision D May 2009. The command to set a Spider to factory defaults from the => prompt is 'defaults' in lower case, not 'Defaults' with a capital D. This is resolved in the Spider™ and SpiderDuo™ User Guide, available here:

Note 2: The timing on this procedure is a little tricky, but it does work, assuming that the only problem with the Spider is an unknown configuration.

On a Spider (as opposed to a Spider Duo), double check that both PS/2 connectors and the USB connector, or both USB connectors are plugged into the host, and that both blue Power LEDs are lit. If only one Power LED is lit then the Spider is not getting enough power.

Or, use the optional 520-085-R external power supply to power the Spider while performing this procedure.

Note 3: If your Spider was manufactured in 2007 or early 2008 then it's console port may boot up set to 115200, then switch to 9600 after the firmware has loaded from flash. If you are having problems getting to the => prompt on an older Spider here are a few things you can try:

  • Open a console connection at 9600 and type 'reset', then quickly change the speed of your terminal emulator to 115200 and start hitting Esc.


  • Set your terminal emulator to 115200, then use an un-bent paperclip or something similar to reboot the Spider using the Reset button accessible from the pinhole on the bottom of the Spider, then hit Esc a few times.


  • Unplug the Spider from the PC it's connected to and use an optional Lantronix 520-085-R power supply for power.

We have had good luck plugging the 520-085-R into a power strip and using the power strip's switch to turn on the power, then start hitting Esc in a terminal emulator set to 115200.

Here is an example procedure in current firmware. Typed commands are in bold type. Comments are in italics:

* Log into the Spider's Initial Configuration interface through the serial port at 9600bps and type "reset", then press Esc a couple of times to get the => prompt:

Choose a command for the following features:
-Initial IP configuration: "config".
-Reset device: "reset".
[ spider]> reset
To reset the device enter "yes": yes <- type "yes" not "y"
<-- Press Esc a few times
=> defaults
Please wait...

* Cycle the power to get back to the configuration interface (at 9600bps) so you can assign an IP address:

Choose a command for the following features:
-Initial IP configuration: "config".
-Reset device: "reset".
[(none) spider]> config
IP autoconfiguration (none/dhcp/bootp) [dhcp]: none
IP []:
NetMask []:
Gateway ( for none) []:
LAN interface speed (auto/10/100) [auto]: <-- Press 'Enter' to accept the current setting
LAN interface duplex mode (auto/half/full) [auto]: <-- Press 'Enter' to accept the current setting
Are the entered values correct? Enter y for Yes, n for No or c to Cancel y

Configuring device ...

If you get to the => prompt and decide that you do not want to set the Spider to factory defaults, type 'reset' to reboot the Spider with no changes. Type 'help' for a list of available commands:

=> help
config - start configuration tool after bootup
defaults- set the device settings to their factory defaults
help - print online help
reset - Perform RESET