To access a Gmail account in your email program or mobile device via the IMAP interface:

  • Choose Settings from the top Gmail navigation bar.
  • Go to the Forwarding and POP/IMAPtab.
  • Make sureEnable IMAPis selected underIMAP Access:.
  • Click Save Changes.

In Outlook (Automatic)

  • Select Tools | Account Settings... from the menu in Outlook.
  • Go to the E-mail tab.
  • Click New....
  • Make sure Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP is selected.
  • Click Next >.
  • Type your name (what you want to appear in theFrom: line of messages you send) under Your Name:.
  • Enter your full Gmail address under E-mail Address:.
  • Make sure you include "". If your Gmail account name is "asdf.asdf", make sure you type "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." (not including the quotation 
In Outlook (Manual)
  • Select Tools | Account Settings... from the menu in Outlook.
  • Go to the E-mail tab.
  • Click New....
  • Click Manually configure server settings or additional server types
  • Click Internet Mail
  • use the following settings
  • Your Name: your name
  • Email Address: your gmail email address
  • Account Type: IMAP
  • Incoming Mail Server:
  • Outgoing Mail Server:
  • User Name: email addres without the
  • Password: your gmail password
  • Click More Settings and go to the Advanced Tab
  • Incoming Server (IMAP):  993
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
  • Outgoing Server (SMTP): 465  (587 if you are using TLS instead)
  • USe the following type of encrypted connection: SSL  (optionally: TLS)
  • Click on the Outgoing Server Tab and check "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication
  • Hit OK
  • Test account settings.  If all works, Hit Next and then hit Finish