you will need to open the command prompt as administrator, then you will need to use psexec.exe (sysinternals application) to run a command prompt as the system account:

psexec \\localhost -s cmd.exe   (or u can use PSEXEC -i -s -d CMD)

The -i flag is for interactive and the -s flag is for system

C:\> vssadmin list shadows /for=F:\  to list the shadow copies on drive F

Look for the backup version with the date that you want and copy the path that contains \\?\GLOBALROOT

Next, mount that volume using a symbolic link to a folder:

C:\> mklink /D C:\shadow_volume_1 \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\

make sure to have the trailing backslash or the folder won't mount properly

Now the volume is mounted to the c:\shadow_volume_1 folder, but you still may not have access to it and will be unable to change permissions.  You will need t ouse robocopy to copy the files to a location.  This only works when robocopy is in "backup mode" (/ZB flag)

robocopy “c:\shadow_volume_1\” c:\new_folder /S /E /COPYALL /ZB /NP /MT:20 /R:3 /W:30 /LOG:”c:\robocopy.log”

Now the contents should be in your new folder.  You can now edit the permissions of the location and take full ownership of the folders and subfolders.

You can also delete the symbolic link folder you created earlier.