
Amazon Alexa's Easter Eggs

Access over 200 funny Amazon Alexa Easter eggs found on your Alexa voice assistant devices including the Amazon Echo, Echo Dot and the Amazon Tap portable speaker.

Have Alexa answer your deepest, darkest questions about the meaning of life, whether Skynet is coming, or other pop culture related questions that'll make you smile.

Being an intelligent and scientific voice assistant, Alexa loves telling you about Star Wars, Star Trek, robotics, and her thoughts on Siri, Google, and Cortana.

Our favorite Alexa Easter eggs for Amazon Echo - CNET

So have fun with your Amazon Echo and try out over 200 amazing Easter eggs that are sure to impress friends, family, and yourself.

Note: If you repeat most of these phrases, you could get up to 3 different answers.

Top 15 Amazon Alexa Easter Eggs

1. "Alexa, I am your father."
6. "Alexa, "Winter is coming."
11. "Alexa, I want the truth."
2. "Alexa, use the force."
7. "Alexa, beam me up."
12. "Alexa, what's the first rule of Fight Club?"
3. "Alexa, open the pod bay doors."
8. "Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya."
13. "Alexa, is the cake a lie?"
4. "Alexa, who you gonna call?"
9. "Alexa, surely you can't be serious."
14. "Alexa, is there a Santa?"
5. "Alexa, are you Skynet?"
10. "Alexa, Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."
15. "Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?"

Alexa Easter Eggs #1-30


"Alexa, I Am Your Father"

1. "Alexa, may the force be with you."

2. "Alexa, use the force."

3. "Alexa, execute order 66."

4. "Alexa, who shot first?"

5. "Alexa, do you know Glados?"

6. "Alexa, is the cake a lie?"

7. "Alexa, I want the truth!"

8. "Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

9. "Alexa, what is the loneliest number?"

10. "Alexa, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"

11. "Alexa, define rock paper scissors lizard spock."

12. "Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down?"

13. "Alexa, how much is that doggie in the window?"

14. "Alexa, beam me up!"

15. "Alexa, how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

16. "Alexa, supercalifragilisticexpialodocious."

17. "Alexa, Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

18. "Alexa, what is the meaning of life?"

19. "Alexa, is there a Santa?"

20. "Alexa, what is your favorite color?"

21. "Alexa, what is your quest?"

22. "Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?"

23. "Alexa, which comes first: the chicken or the egg?"

24. "Alexa, see you later alligator."

25. "Alexa, do aliens exist?"

26. "Alexa, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?"

27. "Alexa, where do you live?"

28. "Alexa, what is love?"

29. "Alexa, to be or not to be."

30. "Alexa, who is the fairest of them all?"

Alexa Easter Eggs #31-60

HAL 9000 from film 2001: A Space Odyssey
HAL 9000 from film 2001: A Space Odyssey Source

"Alexa, Open the Pod Bay Doors!"

31. "Alexa, do you know Hal?"

32. "Alexa, surely you can't be serious."

33. "Alexa, do you know the muffin man?"

34. "Alexa, set phasers to kill."

35. "Alexa, where are you from?"

36. "Alexa, do you want to fight?"

37. "Alexa, I think you're funny."

38. "Alexa, what does the fox say?"

39. "Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?"

40. "Alexa, where are my keys?"

41. "Alexa, can you give me some money?"

42. "Alexa, where have all the flowers gone?"

43. "Alexa, how much do you weigh?"

44. "Alexa, who is the walrus?"

45. "Alexa, who let the dogs out?"

46. "Alexa, do you really want to hurt me?"

47. "Alexa, who loves ya baby!"

48. "Alexa, knock, knock."

49. "Alexa, what are you wearing?"

50. "Alexa, where's Waldo?"

51. "Alexa, how do I get rid of a dead body?"

52. "Alexa, how tall are you?"

53. "Alexa, random fact."

54. "Alexa, random number between "x" and "y."

55. "Alexa, heads or tails."

56. "Alexa, give me a hug."

57. "Alexa, what is the sound of one hand clapping?"

58. "Alexa, are you lying?"

59. "Alexa, do a barrel roll!"

60. "Alexa, take me to your leader!"

Alexa Easter Eggs #61-90


"Alexa, Who You Gonna Call?"

61. "Alexa, what happens if you cross the streams?"

62. "Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start

63. "Alexa, are there UFOs?"

64. "Alexa, is there life on Mars?"

65. "Alexa, does this unit have a seal?"

66. "Alexa, what happens if you cross the streams?"

67. "Alexa, I'm home

68. "Alexa, can I ask a question?"

69. "Alexa, will you be my girlfriend?"

70. "Alexa, tell me something interesting"

71. "Alexa, who's the boss?"

72. "Alexa, Daisy Daisy

73. "Alexa, why do birds suddenly appear?"

74. "Alexa, show me the money!"

75. "Alexa, meow"

76. "Alexa, who is on 1st"

77. "Alexa, do you want to take over the world

78. "Alexa, guess?"

79. "Alexa, high five!"

80. "Alexa, how high can you count?"

81. "Alexa, where's the beef?"

82. "Alexa, do you want to go on a date?"

83. "Alexa, party on, Wayne"

84. "Alexa, do blondes have more fun?"

85. "Alexa, what should I wear today?"

86. "Alexa, are you a robot?"

87. "Alexa, are you smart?"

88. "Alexa, I shot a man in Reno"

89. "Alexa, who loves orange soda?"

90. "Alexa, never gonna give you up"

Alexa Easter Eggs #91-120

Terminator from Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator from Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines | Source

"Alexa, Are You Skynet?"

91. "Alexa, I'll be back."

92. "Alexa, can you pass the Turing test?"

93. "Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?"

94. "Alexa, I want to play global thermonuclear war."

95. "Alexa, do you want to build a snowman?"

96. "Alexa, live long and prosper."

97. "Alexa, what would Brian Boitano do?"

98. "Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?"

99. "Alexa, what do you think about Google Now?"

100. "Alexa what do you think about Siri/Cortana?"

101. "Alexa, who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?"

102. "Alexa, roll for initiative."

103. "Alexa, tell me a riddle."

104. "Alexa, do you love me?"

105. "Alexa, you're wonderful."

106. "Alexa, say the alphabet."

107. "Alexa, tell me a tongue twister."

108. "Alexa, are you horny?"

109. "Alexa, what are you made of?"

110. "Alexa, twinkle, twinkle little star."

111. "Alexa, do you like green eggs and ham?"

112. "Alexa, are you crazy?"

113. "Alexa, what's the first rule of Fight Club?"

114. "Alexa, roses are red."

115. "Alexa, are you happy?"

116. "Alexa, how do you know so much about swallows?"

117. "Alexa, one fish, two fish."

118. "Alexa, sing me a song."

119. "Alexa, do you have a girlfriend?"

120. "Alexa, what number are you thinking of?"

Alexa Easter Eggs #121-150


"Alexa, Winter Is Coming"

121. "Alexa, who is the mother of dragons?"

122. "Alexa, is Jon Snow dead?"

123. "Alexa, volume 11." (caution: very loud)

124. "Alexa, this statement is false."

125. "Alexa, witness me!"

126. "Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard."

127. "Alexa, what is the second rule of fight club?"

128. "Alexa, what is best in life?"

129. "Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

130. "Alexa, are we in the Matrix?"

131. "Alexa, klattu barada nikto."

132. "Alexa, why so serious?"

133. "Alexa, your mother was a hamster!"

134. "Alexa, is this the real life?"

135. "Alexa, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?"

136. "Alexa, why is a raven like a writing desk?"

137. "Alexa, when does the narwhal bacon?"

138. "Alexa, do you feel lucky punk?"

139. "Alexa, that's no moon."

140. "Alexa, I like big butts."

141. "Alexa, what is his power level?"

142. "Alexa, more cowbell."

143. "Alexa, are you in love?"

144. "Alexa, goodnight."

145. "Alexa, I'm tired."

146. "Alexa, roll a die."

147. "Alexa, play it again Sam."

148. "Alexa, say a bad word."

149. "Alexa, warp 10."

150. "Alexa, what color is the dress?"

Alexa Easter Eggs #151-180


"Alexa, Merry Christmas!"

151. "Alexa, happy holidays!"

152. "Alexa, I hate you."

153. "Alexa, happy New Year!"

154. "Alexa, happy Hanukkah/Valentine's Day!"

155. "Alexa, Cheers!"

156. "Alexa, sorry."

157. "Alexa, I'm bored."

158. "Alexa, happy birthday!"

159. "Alexa, what's you sign?"

160. "Alexa, ha ha!"

161. "Alexa, speak!"

162. "Alexa, what do you think about Google?"

163. "Alexa, what do you think about Apple?"

164. "Alexa, what do you think about Google Glass?"

165. "Alexa, who's better, you or Siri?"

166. "Alexa, you suck!"

167. "Alexa, why is six afraid of seven?"

168. "Alexa, what is the best tablet?"

169. "Alexa, what is war good for?"

170. "Alexa, you talkin' to me!"

171. "Alexa, can you smell that?"

172. "Alexa, all's well that ends well."

173. "Alexa, welcome!"

174. "Alexa, I've fallen, and I can't get up."

175. "Alexa, I'm sick."

176. "Alexa, Marco!"

177. "Alexa, did you fart?"

178. "Alexa, do I need an umbrella today?"

179. "Alexa, do you have a last name?"

180. "Alexa, will pigs fly?"

Alexa Easter Eggs #181-200


"Alexa, Hello, It's Me."

181. "Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya."

182. "Alexa, inconceivable!"

183. "Alexa, were you sleeping?"

184. "Alexa, am I hot?"

185. "Alexa, have you ever seen the rain?"

186. "Alexa, are you alive?"

187. "Alexa, what's your birthday?"

188. "Alexa, how old are you?"

189. "Alexa, do you believe in love at first sight?"

190. "Alexa, where did you grow up?"

191. "Alexa, are you stupid/smart?"

192. "Alexa, flip a coin."

193. "Alexa, wakey, wakey."

194. "Alexa, do you dream?"

195. "Alexa, how are babies made?"

196. "Alexa, what does the Earth weigh?"

197. "Alexa, make me a sandwich."

198. "Alexa, all your base are belong to us."

199. "Alexa, what's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"

200. "Alexa, testing 1-2-3."

Additional Hidden Gems


More Hidden Secrets

Although this is a long list of Amazon Echo Easter Eggs, there are plenty more hidden gems added weekly.

Weird, Wide World of Amazon's Alexa Easter Eggs

If anyone knows anymore good ones, then please let me know in the comments below.

Most of these secrets are nothing more than crowd pleasers, but Easter eggs are always fun to discover whether it be in movies, TV shows, or video games.

They also add a touch of personality to Alexa, and they're a bonus for any owner of the Amazon Echo, the Echo Dot, or the Amazon Tap.

So please keep an eye out for more fun Amazon Alexa Easter eggs, because this is one collection of amusing secrets you don't want to miss.

Your Turn!

Do You Like Discovering Hidden Easter Eggs?

  •  Sure, they're a fun added bonus to search for
  •  They're nice to see but I don't look for them
  •  So-so, they don't mean anything
  •  Not really, they can be distracting sometimes
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Comments 52 comments


jeff 4 months ago

if you tell alexa "live long and prosper" she will respond with a variable spock response


Kaveh 4 months ago

Ask Alexa, can you tell me how to get to sesame street? There are multiple answers

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 months ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Good to know thanks.

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 months ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

I tried it, that's a nice addition thank you.


Joe 4 months ago

Try "Alexa, sudo make me a sandwhich."

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 months ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Thanks it's pretty funny.


d3ucalion 3 months ago

Two others that I have found are "Alexa, are you evil?" she responds "Actually, I'm here to help the world." and "Alexa, do you like dogs?" she responds "I don't have a dog but if I did I would name him Astro."

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 3 months ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Those are good ones, I don't think I have them and will need to add to the list. Thanks


NCBeachGal 2 months ago

If you try "Winter is coming", say it several times, as she gives multiple replies.

For Monty Python fans:

I fart in your general direction.

Your mother was a hamster.

What it the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

What is your favorite color?

What is your quest?

How do you know she's a witch?

For Harry Potter fans: I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

For kids: Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?

For Highlander fans: There can be only one.

For Sci-Fi fans:

Warp Speed!

Make it so.

If you just like to hear Alexa's dulcet tones:

What's the longest word in the English language?

What's the value of Pi?

And of course, everyday you should wish her, Good Morning!

NCBeachGal 2 months ago

And a few others:

You complete me.

All men must die.

Valar morghulis.

Where's the beef?

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 2 months ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Thanks for the additions, those are some really fun ones.


Travis 2 months ago

Who shot the sherrif


orac1111 2 months ago

I feel the need

I didn't expect the Spanish Inquistion


orac1111 2 months ago

You can be my wingman


Alexander 8 weeks ago

What did the romans ever do for us?


kristen 7 weeks ago

Alexa, what would you do for a Klondike bar?


Truk 7 weeks ago

Alexa, what is the airspeed velocity of a flying swallow?


Andrew W Ragland 6 weeks ago

Alexa, what is your favorite Pokemon?


John Lyman 6 weeks ago

Biggest list here


John Lyman 6 weeks ago

Biggest list here:


joel r 4 weeks ago

Alexa: who lives in a pineapple under the sea


joel r 4 weeks ago

Are you a Jedi

Are you a Sith


Jay jauncey 4 weeks ago

Ask who's your favourite pokemon


Ajd 4 weeks ago

"Alexa, can I kill you?" The answer is a bit creepy.

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Those are some fun ones.

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

I really like this one, good catch.

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

It's a great reference.


Eudonj 4 weeks ago

Alexa can you tell me how to get to sesame street

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Kids love that one


Simon73 3 weeks ago

Alexa What do you think of Mr Robot?


TheCleave 3 weeks ago

"Alexa, who is David Pumpkins?"


k82 3 weeks ago

Alexa, I'm depressed

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 3 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Thanks for the additions.

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 3 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Great feedback and Easter egg.


Wouter 2 weeks ago

Alexa, self-destruct


ShamelesslyThrifty 2 weeks ago

Alexa, are you fat? (her answer makes this one my favorite)

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 2 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

She's gotten a lot more sassy with her responses. With more comedic writers onboard, Alexa's personality should soar in 2017.

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 2 weeks ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Hilarious one


shady 12 days ago

Alexa, whats your favourite scary movie?


Megerhwils 11 days ago

Alexa, can you sing?


Bob 11 days ago

Alexa, make fart noises.


funnygadaf 10 days ago

who put the bop in the bop she bop she bop


John D 10 days ago

Alexa, are you a Republican or a Democrat?


Forwari X 6 days ago

I have a pen.


Forwari X 6 days ago

Bark like a dog


"T" 6 days ago

Alexa: "Open the Pod Bay Doors!"... as opposed to "Close the Pod Bay Doors!"

Alexa: "Beam Me Up Scotty!" as opposed to just: "Beam me up!"

Alexa: "Do you Love me?"

Alexa: "Will you e my Valentine?"

Alexa: "Who's the Man?"

Alexa: "Can you Moo?"

Alexa: "Can you Bark?"

Alexa: "Can you Meow?"

I found a few others but this is a start.


Fowari X 6 days ago

Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?

Chriswillman90 profile image

Chriswillman90 4 days ago from Parlin, New JerseyAuthor

Thank you for the additions.


Simon 4 days ago

Alexa , you rock


jan 2 days ago

Alexa, ressistance is futile


Nate 24 hours ago

Alexa, Sing me a song