Today we will go over two step easy method to restore ‘master’ database. It is really unusal to have need of restoring the master database. In very rare situation this need should arises. It is important to have full backup of master database, without full backup file of master database it can not be restored.

It is necessary to start SQL Server in single user mode before master database can be restored. It is very easy to start SQL Server server in single user mode. Follow the tutorial SQL SERVER – Start SQL Server Instance in Single User Mode.

Once SQL Server instance is running in single user mode, immediately connect it using sqlcmd and run following command to restore the master database.

RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\BackupLocation\master.back'WITH REPLACE;

restoremaster SQL SERVER   Restore Master Database   An Easy Solution

I have tested it couple of times and it has worked fine for me. If you encounter any error please leave a comment and I will do my best to solve it.