Try a couple of things:

First, goto Settings > Developer Options > Change "Window animation scale", "Transition animation scale", and "Animator duration scale" to 0.5x (or even 0 for super snappy quickness). It should kick in right away, but I'd recommend a reboot.

Second, goto Settings > Battery > Check to see if "Android System" is being a resource hog. In most cases, anything above 40-50% usage is too high. Thankfully, the fix is pretty easy as long as you're comfortable navigating around the file system.

  1. Open your favorite root explorer (ES File Manager for example).
  2. Navigate to system/bin and find the file "gsiff(underscore)daemon".
  3. Rename the file to "gsiff(underscore)daemon.bak".
  4. Reboot.

You should notice the Android System usage do waaaaay down (back to normal).

You can also try build.prop hacks