If you delete a printer in Windows and it keeps coming back after reboot (possibly greyed out or "ghosted"), chances are it was deleted with print jobs still in the queue.  The print jobs will need to be deleted to completely remove the printer.

  • Browse to Start -> Run… and type in “NET STOP SPOOLER” (this will stop the print spooler service)
  • Browse to your windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS\ folder
  • You should see files there ending in .SPL and .SHD created around the time you tried to print – delete these files.
  • Browse to Start -> Run… and type in “NET START SPOOLER” (this will restart the print spooler service)
  • Double click the printer icon in the lower-right corner of your taskbar to examine your print job queue and browse to View -> Refresh.

You should now delete the printer and reboot.  The printer should be gone completely now.