First, you must mount the Windows PE image.

Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"C:\WinPE_amd64\media\sources\boot.wim" /index:1 /MountDir:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount"
  1. Then, Change the security permissions of the Windows PE background image file (\windows\system32\winpe.jpg). This allows you to modify or delete the file.

    1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\WinPE_amd64\mount\windows\system32.

    2. Right-click the C:\WinPE_amd64\mount\windows\system32\winpe.jpg file, and selectProperties > Security tab > Advanced.

    3. Next to Owner, select Change. Change the owner to Administrators.

    4. Apply the changes, and exit the Properties window to save changes.

    5. Right-click the C:\WinPE_amd64\mount\windows\system32\winpe.jpg file, and selectProperties > Security tab > Advanced.

    6. Modify the permissions for Administrators to allow full access.

    7. Apply the changes, and exit the Properties window to save changes.

  2. Replace the winpe.jpg file with your own image file.