1. I am going to save 30 minutes of time to noobs like me - it has to be edited in the settings.json file. The easiest way to access it is menu command File → Preferences → Settings, search for "Color", choose an option "Workbench: Color Customizations" → "Edit in settings.json".

  2. This uses the solution proposed by Gama11, but note:
    the final form of the code in the settings.json file should be like this - note the double curly braces around "workbench.colorCustomizations":

       // fontSize just for testing purposes, commented out.
       //"editor.fontSize" : 12
       // StatusBar color:
          "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
          "statusBar.background" : "#303030",
          "statusBar.noFolderBackground" : "#222225",
          "statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#511f1f"

After you copy/pasted code above, press Ctrl + S to save the changes to 'settings.json'.