Copying Raspberry Pi image to a Disk image
Copying the Disk image from the PI SD card can be done on windows using Win32 Disk Imager After downloading and installing, insert your working Raspberry Pi image into an SD Card reader and plug it in to your computer.
First, you need to find out the disk ID using Windows Disk Management
We can see that on my machine it shows up as disk F:
Next start up Win32 Disk Imager and select the drive in the Device dropdown. Select the save location and give it an .img extension. Also, check the Read Only Allocated Partitions checkbox and click the Read button
The image should be saved to the location specified
Writing Disk Image to PI using Windows
Insert your SD Card into the SD Card reader and plug into the computer. Identify which drive is the SD Card as per per instruction for Copying Raspberry Pi image to a Disk image
Select the file, device, and click the _Write _button
Writing Image to Rapsberry Pi using macOs
Download Etcher and install onto your computer Insert your SD Card into your computer, select the image file, and press Flash